Monday, May 16, 2011

FXPHD AFX222 After Effects Broadcast Design

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FXPHD - AFX222: After Effects Broadcast Design
HF | 957 MB | Project files included
This course is one of the most popular ones we’ve ever run at fxphd, and we’re excited to be presenting an encore presentation of the offering. Tim Clapham, one of our most popular profs at fxphd, will be running the course.

After Effects is one of the main weapons of choice when it comes to producing Motion Graphics for Broadcast. Our new design-based course will be based around the principles and techniques of creating broadcast graphics with After Effects. Some of the lessons will be project based and explore different techniques to create animated sequences from beginning to end. Other lessons will look at specific areas of After Effects, such as the included particle systems and some 3rd party solutions. We will look at the interaction between 3D applications and After Effects, specifically compositing the different render passes and applying 3D data to the AE camera and effects. Other aspects of the course that will be covered include expressions, parenting, project management and workflow, working with type, shape layers and masks.

Download Links: 6 files

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