Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Lynda.com 3ds Max 2011 - Getting Started With Reactor

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In 3ds Max 2011: Getting Started with Reactor, Steve Nelle shows how to create realistic dynamic simulations that have objects recognize, collide and react to coming into contact with each other in 3ds Max animation projects. This course includes a detailed explanation of both rigid and soft body dynamics, reactor’s various collection types, using constraints and soft body modifiers, and how to adjust and control a dynamic simulation’s accuracy. Four start-to-finish projects are also included in the course, which show practical techniques for breaking objects apart, creating cloth simulations, adding rippling water effects to a scene, and more. Exercise files accompany the course.

Topics include:
 Choosing the appropriate collection type
 Using the Property Editor to set up an object’s physical properties
 Working with soft body modifiers
 Accessing and using the Reactor toolbar
 Making objects appear soft and pliable
 Using constraints to limit object movement
 Animating objects breaking apart
 Creating realistic water using a reactor helper object
 Previewing simulations
 Controlling simulation accuracy
 Creating keyframes for a dynamic simulation


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