Video Tutorials for Adobe After Effects Volume 7 , Video Tutorials for Adobe After Effects Volume 7 , Video Tutorials for Adobe After Effects Volume 7 , Video Tutorials for Adobe After Effects Volume 7 , Video Tutorials for Adobe After Effects Volume 7
Aetuts+ is a site made to house and showcase some of the best After Effects tutorials around. We publish tutorials that not only produce great effects, but explain them in a friendly, approachable manner. We also stock up links to tutorials, articles, presets and plugins from around the web to help you get the most out of After Effects.
142. Double Stuffed Tracking Walkthrough
We’ve seen lots of tutorials on how to do basic planar tracking, but we’re gonna take it to a hole notha level. This tutorial demonstrates how to use 2D planar tracking and 3d tracking together to create graphics that pop off a board that you can hold and walk with.
143. Give Your Video A Pencil Sketched Look
I think we all used to create little cartoons in school by drawing on each page of your text books and flipping through them to animate. Well, lets all save a tree. In this tutorial we’ll be creating a similar looking animation in AE using Trapcode Particular’s Aux Particles. From there we’ll bring it over into Photoshop and learn a little bit about how to apply filters to video with the help of Filmstrip format.
144. Generate a Dynamic Morphing Background Design with Sinedots
In this tutorial you will learn how to work and use the free plug-in Sinedots, which is a very powerful tool for creating interesting abstract motion background. There haven’t been many good tutorials for this plug-in so I hope you find this useful!
145. Get Brilliantly Better Balcony Backdrops
This tutorial explains how to do basic compositing using After Effects. We will be covering how to do sky replace and get a matte using Luma Keys and add 3D layers of elements to build a basic composite.
146. Track Your Golf Swing Form Like A Master
Use Motion Tracking to create a motion swing path behind a golfer’s club head. This effect would work perfectly to show your friends how bad they need to work on their form… just a thought. But honestly, this simple principle can be used to create endless effects and could really spice up any sport-themed projects you work on.
147. Create A Beach Themed “Water Writing” Look
This tutorial is about how to Write with Water inside After Effects without any using for the 3d party plug-ins. So if the Summer heat gets to you, just go inside for a while and watch this tutorial to cool down. Don’t forget your sunscreen and enjoy Writing with Water!
148. Generate Your Own Splendid Spirographical Designs
Today, we’re going to resurrect a classic drawing toy in After Effects using an expression tied into a few custom sliders. I used Trapcode Particular 2.0 to display the resulting animated patterns but CC Particle World could be used almost as easily and the results can be used in a myriad of ways for your projects. Or you can just experiment and see what kind of unique shapes you can generate just by changing a few numbers.
149. Use Color To Control Your Textures – Part 2
In the second part of this tutorial you will learn how to animate the cubes bounce in a realistic manner. using only expressions linked to a custom made “control panel”.
A very useful, and time-saving technique to easily control and manipulate expressions.
150. Discover How To Recreate the Sherlock Holmes End Credits Effect
After Effects, my dear Watson! This tutorial uses hand drawn elements, textures, and pre-matted motion elements to recreate a look that is similar to the Sherlock Holmes credits. It gives you basics to build on. The great thing about this effect is that it is made to look organic and not 3D and effects heavy, but it still turns out looking really professional. It does not require very much expertise in free hand drawing seeing that all you have to do is trace a still image. Take this tutorial and build upon it to create something awesome.
151. Welcome CS5! An Intro To The New “Roto Brush”
A HUGE welcome to After Effects CS5! In this tutorial, I’ll be going through and explaining the new “Roto Brush” tool included within CS5. It isn’t a “keyer”, it’s not quite a “magic wand”, I wouldn’t even call it a “pen”. You’re just gonna have to watch the tutorial to find out what this amazing new feature is made of!
152. Animate An Underground Map Without Keyframes In Motion 4
In this tutorial you will learn how to create and animate the map of your favorite city underground with Apple Motion 4. Behaviours will be our friends to avoid the use of keyframes. They are one of the most powerful tools in Motion to speed up your work.
153. Create A Realistic Glass Reflection
Transparency is an important element to reflect in one’s relationships and if we can help you in that area it’d be our pleasure! In this tutorial you’ll find out how to create a realistic glass reflection on a 3D object, created within After Effects. We’ll then simulate a normal pass and have it reflect the environment with the “normality” free plug-in.
154. Make A Stop At An Old Deserted Motel
Learn how to composite a multi-purpose short scene using still pictures and .vpe files. We will be using the 3d resources in AE to make the pictures blend together. In addition, a new technique to achieve a different neon text effect and more compositing tips. Lets hit the road!
155. Give Your Title A “Gamer” Like Glitch
In this tutorial we are going to make a distortion effect, similar to the intro titles in ‘Gamer’. We start of by creating a stylized text in Photoshop, and making some cool distortions with Photoshop filters. After that we go into After Effects to animate the photoshop layers into a sequence, and stylize the sequence to make it look even cooler.
156. Workflow In Zaxwerks ProAnimator Part 1
3D movies, 3D televisions, 3D on the desktop. Everything cool these days is in 3D! For an animator, there is no faster way to create professional 3D animation than with the Zaxwerks ProAnimator. Everyone’s heard of it, and in this 32 minute tutorial Rob Birnholz will teach the basics of how it works. This is not a sales pitch, but an actual workflow. For the basics, After Effects is not required, but the tutorial steps are same for both the standalone ProAnimator application and the AE plug-in version. A trial version of ProAnimator can be downloaded from www.zaxwerks.com.
157. Workflow In Zaxwerks ProAnimator Part 2
In this tutorial you’ll learn how to use the Zaxwerks ProAnimator After Effects plug in to open an existing Zaxwerks project inside After Effects and use the Layer Maps feature to add animated texture maps and filter effects to a 3D model. To view Part 1 Click Here.
158. Create A Techie Math Animation
In this tutorial we are going to make a create an animated web-like animation that you can use for any tech-oriented project you may have on the horizon. We’ll be using basic shapes, precomps, and a quick expression. The process is simple, but the options are endless…
159. Soak Your Logo With CC Glass
Somebody grab a towel cause we got a damp tutorial on our hands. We’ll be using inverted mattes to create a sopping wet logo that’ll leave you drenched.
160. Build Some Sturdy Steel Structures – Day 1
In this two part tutorial we’ll explain how to make a logo with a 3D simulation of a steel structure using Cinema 4D and establish the movement. Tomorrow we’ll be bringing our renders over into After Effects to put it all together.
161. Build Some Sturdy Steel Structures – Day 2
In this two part tutorial we’ll explain how to make a logo with a 3D simulation of a steel structure using Cinema 4D and establish the movement. Today we’ll be bringing our renders over into After Effects to put it all together. You can watch part one here.
162. Audio Reactant Time Remapping
In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to do some experimental animation on a footage based on music. For this effect we’ll dive into learning time remapping, waveform and a bit about expressions as well.
163. Recreate The Matrix Chopper Scene
In this 3ds Max/AE combo tutorial, you will learn how to make a stream of raining bullets using PF source in 3DS Max and then combine all the elements together in AE to give a stunning “Matrix-like” effect.
164. Composite A Live Action Jet Flyby – AE Part
In this 2 Part, 45 minute tutorial we’ll go over the process involved with compositing a jet, helicopter, or even a UFO into your live actions scenes. You can watch Part One over on CGtuts+ before you watch Part Two below.
165. Enter A 3D Samurai Chamber – Day 1
In this tutorial, we will build an entire 3D samurai chamber entirely within After Effects. From there we’ll animate a camera to fly through it as we light the whole scene. Finally, we take a look at depth of field. So there is a lot to cover!
166. Enter A 3D Samurai Chamber – Day 2
In this tutorial, we will build an entire 3D samurai chamber entirely within After Effects. From there we’ll animate a camera to fly through it as we light the whole scene. Finally, we take a look at depth of field. So there is a lot to cover!
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